Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fixed Missing eth0 after creating a clone vm on linux kvm

Recently I have created a cloned virtual machine using redhat linux kvm, once the system is booted up
virtual machine  was unable to connect to system eth0 instead it's connected to Auto eth0 interface as below,
after doing some google search and reading some forums I have found a reason for this error.
this is due to cloned VM is using original VM mac address. in this tutorial I'm going to
show you how i solved that problem

Auto eth0 on kvm cloned virtual machine

1) Edit ifcfg-eth0

go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scropts/ifcfg-eth0
and remove or comment the HWADDR line as following


if you want check newly cloned vm NIC mac address pls follow this steps
select guest os click edit  -->  virtual machine details --> show virtual hardware detils -->
select NIC --> view the mac adds.

2) Remove 70-persistent-net.rules

 command is  #rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
you may have different name for persistent-net file


3)Reboot the system

 now system eth0 should be available also there should be new persistent-net.rules file with actual NIC mac address of cloned vm.

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